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4 fantastic student energy saving tips

By Hello Student

Energy saving tips

Top tips

Let the sunshine in

It might be cold right now, but as the warmer months approach now is the perfect time to work on those energy saving skills. Helping the planet, and your bank balance too in the future!

Natural light can also help to regulate your circadian rhythm (Sleep-Wake Cycle). This can improve your sleep quality and help you to feel more awake and ultimately more productive during the day.

Switch on the energy saving

On the topic of lights, switch them off. I’m sure you’ve heard it all before, yet 6.5 million people in the UK admit to regularly leaving the lights on.

To provide drinking water from our taps accounts for an estimated 8% of total global energy usage. This doesn’t even consider heating it. Saving water doesn’t have to be hard and can be as simple as:

Knock a minute or two off your shower time
Turn off the taps while brushing your teeth, washing your face, or shaving
Run the washer with a full load (also saving you money on laundry!)

Embrace the Spring

So it’s warming up and we’ve flooded our homes with natural light. What next?

Well… Don’t forget to turn the heating off, or at least down. Ideal home has some fantastic tips on setting the heating just right for spring.

Another idea for this spring, is to air dry your clothes. Using an airer instead of a dryer can save huge amounts of energy and money.

Beyond the sustainability impacts of this energy saving, air drying can help to extend the life of your clothing. Try air drying in a well ventilated space, I use my bathroom, as it has the added bonus of being warm.

Cooking together = Energy Saving

Cooking together can not only save energy, but can be a fantastic way to bond with those you live with, or even your neighbours.

Beyond this, cooking in larger quantities can also reduce the cost of each portion, giving you a little extra cash each week. Recipes for dishes such as Fajitas, Curry or Spaghetti Bolognese are easily adjusted for any number of people.

Plan ahead, agree a dish and expectations of who prepares each element and COOK. Or maybe just sit back and relax, it’s your turn next week.

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